Tag: Firepower

  • Episode 400: Eugene Jarvis

    The co-founder and President of Raw Thrills shares his stories of getting into gaming, his time with Steve Ritchie, Atari, Williams, and now Raw Thrills and their development of Pulp […]

  • Episode 326: Michael Hanley and Shane Jackson

    Spent time with two avid pinball collectors in Mississauga, Ontario (west of Toronto). We talked about and the original JPop Alice In Wonderland prototype pre-Zidware, opening The Church of the […]

  • Episode 286: Norma Jennings

    From New York to Florida, Norma has enjoyed pinball for over 45 years. The 2019 Free Play Florida Women’s Champion shares her story on this podcast and each Tuesday night […]

  • Episode 262: Alex Ward

    We discuss his time in Knoxville and Georgia, pinball, plus we talk about family, racism and more. If you don’t know Alex, you’ll wish you did after listening to this […]

  • Episode 190: Jerry Bernard

    Hear from one of the best players in the world. And pray you don’t have to play a classics game against this New York state legend.